Sunday, May 13, 2012

Reservoir of drainwater

Hi folks =) You have probably heared for global warming, right? And after all we can determine that we have to be aware of economical use of natural resources. One of them is water. Prices of water are rising and so are the demands for it. That's the reason that we have to "catch" as many useful water we can so we could use it before releasing it back to nature. Toilet flushing, laundry, watering the garden, car wash, etc.

In our country (Slovenia) has the price of water from year 1988 till now increased for about 400%. You can probably imagine how the prices will act in the future. On this occasion I can tell you my bad experience from a year ago. One day I was in my garage where I have a plumbing shaft. I've opened it and noticed that flowmeter on counter was rotating with the speed of light. I've immediately closed the valve so I stopped water consumption. I knew that somewhere outside the pipe has broken down so the water was releasing to the ground. We've found and fixed a failure. When we got a bill for water consumption we realised that we've lost almost 1000 m3 of water!! That's about 1800 €! At that time on now we more often check the counter if there would happen the same failure on plumbing. Because of the structure of terain we haven't noticed any water on surface.

However, in these days many of our customers want to save water so in that case we suggest them to install a reservoir of drainwater. It's easy, useful, economical, it saves a lot of money and of course - it's friendly to nature.

See below how we installed one 5000l reservoir last week with all the drainage it has to be made. You can get many different sizes of reservoirs, from 1000l to 50000l. The size you need depends on what demands you have (for what things you will use drainwater).

Reservoir - sitting and waiting for a funeral =)

Digging a hole

Here we made a basis with drainage sand

Transporting reservoir to the hole

Reservoir finaly in it's hole

While backfilling with drainage sand we have to fill reservoir with water to equalize the pressure

Laying pipes

Pipes are layed

You can see that we used reservoir only for water from the roof, other was bypassed

The only thing that tells you that there is something in the ground is that cover

This is where you attach your  pipe to get to the water that is safely stored in reservoir


5000l reservoir

5000l reservoir

Whole system of reservoir

Whole system of reservoir

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Another road reconstruction

Hello, it's been some time since I've wrote my last post. The reason is that I didn't have much time because we were working as crazy - which is good so now I can show you our last project we were working on. It is a 2 km long road through forest in one of the local villages.

The road was in the principle made a long time ago but it was a bit narrow and not asphalted. Besides we had to hardened it first and take care for the drainage. We also had to crush a lot of rock so we could make the final look of the road as straight as possible.

We were working on this project for one month and a half. 20t heavy machine made about 150 hours just for crushing the rock. Then the crushed rock was recycled so we could used the material for hardening the road. We also had to make many shafts for drainage.

Like in my other posts, pictures talk for themselves. So please check them below and feel free to ask any questions. In this post there are plenty of them =) Click on the pictures to see it better ;-) For picture description just flow with a mouse over it.

Cheers! ;)